Sunday, May 5, 2013

Shellbark Hickory Tree Project: Sorting the Reference Photos

Hi Again !

On the video, I shared the process of taking reference photos for the drawing. Now it’s time to sort through them.

The first group of photos was taken during the winter months so that I would have a clear indication of the structure of the tree without the interference of the leaves.

I chose for the primary reference photos an upward view of the tree. I like this angle because I can make a dramatic statement of the strength and power of the Hickory.  My camera has a limited range and it was necessary to take two photos and combine them to get the reference I need.

Several photos concentrate on the trunk of the tree for detail of the bark.  I will return later in the spring to take future reference photos of the new foliage.

In my next post, we will begin the design of the drawing on tracing paper.